Golf GTI new look!




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  • I have a Golf GTI that I have loved and cherished for years. It is my baby. But after so much time with the same paint job, I feel like it needs a change. I don't want a complete paint job, but was thinking more of a cool vinyl film.

    I have something matte in mind, maybe a dark gray or anthracite. It should definitely look classy, but also be durable enough not to look worn after a year. Now comes the problem: I have already done so much research online, but I am extremely unsure where to get a really good film that will actually do what it promises. I tried a cheap film last year and it was an absolute disaster! The color has discolored, and after the winter the film looked like it had been scratched by a raccoon. I never want to go through that again! On top of that, I can't do it myself (I'm left-handed when it comes to things like that). So I would also have to find someone who can install it properly. But first I need a high-quality film. Does anyone know a good online site where you can order such films? I'm looking for one that not only looks cool, but is also of great quality and durable.

    I found the site , which looks really reputable at first glance. Have any of you ordered from there and can say something about the quality? Or do you know other shops that you can recommend?

    In addition, if any of you live near Munich and know a good film maker, I would be really grateful for tips! I want the whole thing to look really professional and not like I did it myself with a hairdryer and a YouTube tutorial, if you know what I mean. I'm really grateful for any advice, be it about colors, materials or a good shop!

    I just want my GTI to look really fresh again after all these years. Thanks in advance!

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